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Vetrina S.P. - Displays and accessories for showcases Vetrina S.P. - Displays and accessories for showcases Display cases for shop windows - Vetrina S.P.


About us

Having full command of production at our factory located in Milan, Italy we have gained our reputation over the years by supporting the field of shop windows and sales.

Having invested in the latest technology and equipment, each display has its own design and meets all of our stringent requirements in order to achieve the highest quality. As a continuous evolving company, there are always new selection of displays and showcases that we produce for your retail shops or department stores.

We understand your company’s needs, which is why so many shops are comfortable being associated with our company.

Quality and convenience without compromise

Come visit

Professional plexiglass displays - Vetrina S.P.
Display cases for shop windows - Vetrina S.P.
Display cases for shop windows - factory - Vetrina S.P.
Quality and convenience without compromise - Vetrina S.P.

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